Group Leader: Mª Pilar Marco
The Nanobiotechnology for Diagnostics Group (Nb4D) has focused on the development of novel molecular diagnostic tools to provide alternatives to the actual limitations existing in several fields but particularly in the clinical and food safety areas.
Perform research of excellence addressed at solving specific problems and developing know-how and expertise in basic chemical science and perform research at the chemistry-biology interface.
Our mission is to improve the diagnostic efficiency using technologies based on new micro and nano(bio)technologic approximations that will improve the standard of living of the society.
Our vision is to be an important group, internationally reknown that contributes with innovative technological alternatives to overtake the actual limitations in the diagnostic field in clinics, food safety and in the environment.
The Nb4D group, whose aim is to satisfy all the user’s and interested parties requirements, has implemented a quality management system and a processes management.
The direction with the mission to achieve the absolute satisfaction of the needs and expectations of the internal and external clients, as well as those of the workers and students, understands that the accomplishment of this quality system is indispensable for all the group components and for this reason it is made known to all. Following this system, good daily laboratory practices are achieved that lead to a continuous improvement of all of the activities and services developed in the group.
web of the group:
Investigation of the potential of novel nanomaterials and micro (nano) devices as signal tranducers of biomolecular recognition events. During the last few years intensive research is being performed in this area, particularly since the discovery of new physical properties and principles that materials have at the nanolevel. On the other hand, another important challenge is the creation of functional hybrid biomaterials in which both biomolecules and inorganic materials become a single unit with the ability to respond specifically to the presence of a (bio)chemical agent.
- Specific Receptors
- Optical Readout Systems
- Electrochemical Readout Systems
- Functional Biohybrid (Nano)Materials
The investigation in this research line aims to provide new solutions to certain limitations of the actual diagnostic methods in the food safety and clinical fields. For many of these applications, multifunctional devices enabling multiple measurements to be made simultaneously by simply bringing a sample into contact with the microarray, constitutes one of the main goals. On the other hand, investigation regarding production of specific bioreceptors with tailored features is essential, since these biomolecules are indeed responsible of the specific signal obtained. Availability of specific receptors is crucial in the research performed by the Nb4D group.
- Food Safety
- Clinical Field
- Infectious Diseases
- Cardiovascular Diseases
- Neurodegenerative/Neurological Disorders
- Therapeutic Drug Monitoring
- Environmental Vigilance
Scientific staff

Mª Pilar Marco
Research Professor

Roger Galve
Tenured Scientist
Lab people

Juan Pablo Salvador
CIBER Researcher

Núria Pascual
Specialist Technician

Mª Lluisa Vilaplana
Postdoctoral Researcher

Montserrat Rodríguez
Postdoctoral Researcher

David Santos
Postdoctoral Researcher

Eva Balada
Postdoctoral Researcher

Ellen Yadira Cotrina
Postdoctoral Researcher

Bárbara Rodríguez
Predoctoral Researcher

Julian Guercetti
Predoctoral Researcher

Carla Ferrero
Predoctoral Researcher

Juan Raya
Predoctoral Researcher

Francesc Bejarano
Project Manager

Nerea Castro

Astrid Garcia

Idoia Cami
- Strategies for Quorum Sensing inhibition as a tool for controlling Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections-
Bárbara Rodríguez-Urretavizcaya, Lluïsa Vilaplana, M. -Pilar Marco
International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, 64(5), 107323 - DNA-directed immobilization fluorescent immunoarray for multiplexed antibiotic residue determination in milk-
J. Guercetti, N. Pascual, A. Aviñó, R. Eritja, J.-P. Salvador & M.-P. Marco
Analytical and Bioanalytical ChemistryOpen Access, Volume 416, Issue 30, Pages 7325 - 7336 - Development and ELISA Characterization of Antibodies against the Colistin, Vancomycin, Daptomycin, and Meropenem: A Therapeutic Drug Monitoring Approach-
Vivian Garzon, J.-Pablo Salvador, M.-Pilar Marco, Daniel G.-Pinacho and Rosa-Helena Bustos
Antibiotics 2024, 13(7), 600; - A multiplexed immunochemical microarray for the determination of cardiovascular disease biomarkers-
Colom, G., Hernandez-Albors, A., Barallat, J., Galan, A., Bayes-Genis, A., Salvador, J.-P., Marco, M.-P.
Microchimica Acta, 191 (1), art. no. 53, 2024. - A paper biosensor for overcoming matrix effects interfering with the detection of sputum pyocyanin with competitive immunoassays-
Adrover-Jaume, C., Clemente, A., Rodríguez-Urretavizcaya, B., Vilaplana, L., Marco, M.P., Rojo-Molinero, E., Oliver, A., de la Rica, R.
Microchimica Acta, 190 (11), art. no. 441, 2023 - Engineering a Point-of-Care Paper-Microfluidic Electrochemical Device Applied to the Multiplexed Quantitative Detection of Biomarkers in Sputum-
Gutiérrez-Capitán, M., Sanchís, A., Carvalho, E.O., Baldi, A., Vilaplana, L., Cardoso, V.F., Calleja, A., Wei, M., de la Rica, R., Hoyo, J., Bassegoda, A., Tzanov, T., Marco, M.-P., Lanceros-Méndez, S., Fernández-Sánchez, C.
ACS Sensors, 2023.
- The Importance of Engagement in the Dissemination of Audio-Visual Content by Spanish Health Influencers on Instagram-
Almela-Baeza, J., Guercetti, J., Febrero, B.
Social Sciences, 12 (4), art. no. 220, 2023.
- Detection of SARS-CoV-2 Virus by Triplex Enhanced Nucleic Acid Detection Assay (TENADA)-
Anna Aviñó, Carlos Cuestas-Ayllón, Manuel Gutiérrez-Capitán, Lluisa Vilaplana, Valeria Grazu, Véronique Noé, Eva Balada, Antonio Baldi, Alex J. Félix, Eva Aubets, Simonas Valiuska, Arnau Domínguez, Raimundo Gargallo, Ramon Eritja, M.-Pilar Marco, César Fernández-Sánchez, Jesús Martínez de la Fuente and Carlos J. Ciudad
Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022, 23(23), 15258
- Smartphone-based magneto-immunosensor on carbon black modified screen-printed electrodes for point-of-need detection of aflatoxin B1 in cereals-
Jafari, S., Burr, L., Migliorelli, D., Galve, R., Marco, M.-P., Campbell, K., Elliott, C., Suman, M., Sturla, S.J., Generelli, S.
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1221, art. no. 340118, 2022
- Portable flow multiplexing device for continuous, in situ biodetection of environmental contaminants-
Salvador, J.-P., Marco, M.-P., Saviozzi, G., Laschi, C., Arreza, F., Palacio, F., Lopez, M.
Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research, 37, art. no. 100505, 2022
- Compact Microfluidic Platform with LED Light-Actuated Valves for Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay Automation-
Burdó-Masferrer, M.; Díaz-González, M.; Sanchis, A.; Calleja, Á.; Marco, M.-P.; Fernández-Sánchez, C.; Baldi, A.
Biosensors 2022, 12, 280.
- The Influence of Substrate Microstructures on the Fluorescent Intensity Profile, Size, Roundness, and Coffee Ring Ratio of Protein Microarray Spots-
Guo, W., Vilaplana, L., Hansson, J., Marco, M.-P., Van Der Wijngaart, W.
17th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 2022
- Development of a Fluorescent Microfluidic Device Based on Antibody Microarray Read-Out for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring of Acenocoumarol-
Salvador, J.-P., Brettschneider, T., Dorrer, C., Marco, M.-P.
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology, 10, art. no. 848501, 2022
- Direct Quantitative Immunochemical Analysis of Autoinducer Peptide IV for Diagnosing and Stratifying Staphylococcus aureus Infections-
Enrique-J. Montagut, Gerardo Acosta, Fernando Albericio, Miriam Royo, Gerard Godoy-Tena, Alicia Lacoma, Cristina Prat, Juan-Pablo Salvador, and María-Pilar Marco
ACS Infect. Dis. 2022
- Bacteria Detection at a Single-Cell Level through a Cyanotype-Based Photochemical Reaction-
Dietvorst, J., Ferrer-Vilanova, A., Iyengar, S.N., Russom, A., Vigués, N., Mas, J., Vilaplana, L., Marco, M.-P., Guirado, G., Muñoz-Berbel, X.
Analytical Chemistry, 94 (2), pp. 787-792. 2022
- Diagnosis and Stratification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infected Patients by Immunochemical Quantitative Determination of Pyocyanin From Clinical Bacterial Isolates-
Barbara Rodriguez-Urretavizcaya, Nuria Pascua, Carme Pastells, Maria Teresa Martin-Gomez, Lluïsa Vilaplana and Maria-Pilar Marco
Front. Cell. Infect. Microbiol., 14 December 2021
- Enhanced Bio-Barcode Immunoassay Using Droplet Digital PCR for Multiplex Detection of Organophosphate Pesticides-
Cui, X., Abd El-Aty, A.M., Zhang, C., Xu, L., Liu, H., Jia, H., Wang, Y., Cao, Z., Salvador, J.-P., She, Y., Jin, F., Wang, J., Jin, M., Hammock, B.D.
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 69 (37), pp. 11131-11141. 2021
- ASSURED Point-of-Need Food Safety Screening: A Critical Assessment of Portable Food Analyzers-
Jafari, S.; Guercetti, J.; Geballa-Koukoula, A.; sagkaris, A.S.; Nelis, J.L.D.; Marco, M.-P.; Salvador, J.-P.; Gerssen, A.; Hajslova, J.; Elliott, C.; et al.
Foods 2021, 10(6), 1399;
- Biological and clinical significance of quorum sensing alkylquinolones: current analytical and bioanalytical methods for their quantification-
Montagut, E.J., Marco, M.P.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 413 (18), pp. 4599-4618. 2021
- An Immunochemical Approach to Quantify and Assess the Potential Value of the Pseudomonas Quinolone Signal as a Biomarker of Infection-
Montagut, E.J., Martin-Gomez, M.T., Marco, M.P.
Analytical Chemistry, 93 (11), pp. 4859-4866, 2021
- A plasmonic biosensor array exploiting plasmon coupling between gold nanorods and spheres for domoic acid detection via two methods-
Nelis, J.L.D., Salvador, J.P., Marco, M.P., Elliott, C.T., Campbell, K.
Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 252, art. no. 119473, 2021
- Kynurenic Acid Levels are Increased in the CSF of Alzheimer’s Disease Patients-
González-Sánchez, M., Jiménez, J., Narváez, A., Antequera, D., Llamas-Velasco, S., Martín, A.H.-S., Arjona, J.A.M., Munain, A.L., Bisa, A.L., Marco, M.-P., odríguez-Núñez, M., Pérez-Martínez, D.A., Villarejo-Galende, A., Bartolome, F., Domínguez, E., Carro, E.
Biomolecules, 11 (1), 2021
- Kynurenic Acid Electrochemical Immunosensor: Blood-Based Diagnosis of Alzheimer's Disease-
Marrugo-Ramírez, J., Rodríguez-Núñez, M., Marco, M.-P., Mir, M., Samitier, J.
Biosensors, 11 (1), 2021
- Optimized 5-fluorouridine prodrug for Co-loading with doxorubicin in clinically relevant liposomes-
Wu, D., Vogus, D., Krishnan, V., Broto, M., Pusuluri, A., Zhao, Z., Kapate, N., Mitragotri, S.
Pharmaceutics, 13 (1), art. no. 107, pp. 1-13. 2021
- High-Throughput Immunochemical Method to Assess the 2-Heptyl-4-quinolone Quorum Sensing Molecule as a Potential Biomarker of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections-
Montagut, E.J., Vilaplana, L., Martin-Gomez, M.T., Marco, M.P.
ACS Infectious Diseases, 6 (12), pp. 3237-3246. 2020
- Fully automated immunoassay in a lab-on-a-foil device with LED-actuated valves-
Burdó-Masferrer, M., Díaz-González, M., Sanchis, A., Pilar Marco, M., Fernández-Sánchez, C., Baldi, A.
MicroTAS 2020 - 24th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences, pp. 454-455.
- Multiplexed Immunosensor Based on the Amperometric Transduction for Monitoring of Marine Pollutants in Sea Water-
Salvador, J.-P., Kopper, K., Miti, A., Sanchis, A., Marco, M.-P.
Sensors (Switzerland), 20 (19), art. no. 5532, pp. 1-14. 2020
- Immunoassays on thiol-ene synthetic paper generate a superior fluorescence signal-
Guo, W., Vilaplana, L., Hansson, J., Marco, M.-P., van der Wijngaart, W.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 163, art. no. 112279, 2020
- High Fundamental Frequency Quartz Crystal Microbalance (HFF-QCMD) Immunosensor for detection of sulfathiazole in honey-
Cervera-Chiner, L., Jiménez, Y., Montoya, Á., Juan-Borrás, M., Pascual, N., Arnau, A., Escriche, I.
Food Control, 115, art. no. 107296, 2020
- Competitive ELISA for N-terminal pro-brain natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) determination in human plasma-
Colom, G., Salvador, J.-P., Acosta, G., Albericio, F., Royo, M., Marco, M.-P.
The Analyst, 145 (20), pp. 6719-6727. 2020
- Whispering gallery mode resonators for chemical, biochemical and physical sensing-
Frigenti, G., Farnesi, D., Baldini, F., Berneschi, S., Giannetti, A., Lunelli, L., Pasquardini, L., Marco, M.-P., Pederzolli, C., Righini, G.C., Pelli, S., Conti, G.N., Soria, S.
International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, 2020-July, art. no. 9203260, 2020
- Current and near-future technologies for antibiotic susceptibility testing and resistant bacteria detection-
Dietvorst, J., Vilaplana, L., Uria, N., Marco, M.-P., Muñoz-Berbel, X.
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 127, art. no. 115891, 2020
- Phenazines as potential biomarkers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections: synthesis regulation, pathogenesis and analytical methods for their detection-
Vilaplana, L., Marco, M.-P.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2020,
- Phenazines as potential biomarkers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections: synthesis regulation, pathogenesis and analytical methods for their detection-
Vilaplana, L., Marco, M.-P.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 412 (24), pp. 5897-5912. 2020
- Development of Novel Magneto-Biosensor for Sulfapyridine Detection-
Jamshaid, T., Tenório-Neto, E.T., Baraket, A., Lebaz, N., Elaissari, A., Sanchís, A., Salvador, J.-P., Marco, M.-P., Bausells, J., Errachid, A., Zine, N.
Biosensors, 10 (4), 2020
- DAPLE protein inhibits nucleotide exchange on Gαs and Gαq via the same motif that activates Gαi-
Marivin, A., Maziarz, M., Zhao, J., DiGiacomo, V., Calvo, I.O., Mann, E.A., Ear, J., Blanco-Canosa, J.B., Ross, E.M., Ghosh, P., Garcia-Marcos, M.
Journal of Biological Chemistry, 295 (8), pp. 2270-2284. 2020
- The benefits of carbon black, gold and magnetic nanomaterials for point-of-harvest electrochemical quantification of domoic acid-
Nelis, J.L.D., Migliorelli, D., Jafari, S., Generelli, S., Lou-Franco, J., Salvador, J.P., Marco, M.P., Cao, C., Elliott, C.T., Campbell, K.
Mikrochimica acta, 187 (3), p. 164. 2020
- Critical assessment of recent trends related to screening and confirmatory analytical methods for selected food contaminants and allergens-
Tsagkaris, A.S., Nelis, J.L.D., Ross, G.M.S., Jafari, S., Guercetti, J., Kopper, K., Zhao, Y., Rafferty, K., Salvador, J.P., Migliorelli, D., Salentijn, G.I., Campbell, K., Marco, M.P., Elliot, C.T., Nielen, M.W.F., Pulkrabova, J., Hajslova, J.
Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 121, art. no. 115688, 2019
- The emergence of a new weed in maize plantations: characterization and genetic structure using microsatellite markers-
Díaz, A., Taberner, A., Vilaplana, L.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2019
- The emergence of a new weed in maize plantations: characterization and genetic structure using microsatellite markers-
Díaz, A., Taberner, A., Vilaplana, L.
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 67 (1), pp. 225-239. 2020
- Bastard Cabbage (Rapistrum rugosum L.) Resistance to Tribenuron-Methyl and Iodosulfuron-Methyl-Sodium in Spain and Alternative Herbicides for Its Control-
Pardo, G., Marí, A.I., Aibar, J., Vilaplana, L., Cirujeda, A.
Agronomy, 9 (9), art. no. 492, .2019
- Development and validation of a multianalyte immunoassay for the quantification of environmental pollutants in seawater samples from the Catalonia coastal area-
Ana Sanchis, Cristina Bosch-Orea, J.-Pablo Salvador, M.-Pilar Marco, Marinella Farré
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry pp 1–11. 2019
- Electrochemical nanoprobe-based immunosensor for deoxynivalenol mycotoxin residues analysis in wheat samples-
Valera, E., García-Febrero, R., Elliott, C.T., Sánchez-Baeza, F., Marco, M.-P.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 411 (9), pp. 1915-1926. 2019
- Nanobody: outstanding features for diagnostic and therapeutic applications-
Salvador, J.-P., Vilaplana, L., Marco, M.-P.
Anal Bioanal Chem (2019)
- Light-induced mechanisms for nanocarrier’s cargo release-
Ana Sanchis, J.-Pablo Salvador, M.-Pilar Marco
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 173 (2019) 825–832
- Interferometric nanoimmunosensor for label-free and real-time monitoring of Irgarol 1051 in seawater-
Chocarro-Ruiz, B., Herranz, S., Fernández Gavela, A., Sanchís, J., Farré, M., Marco, M.P., Lechuga, L.M.
Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 117, pp. 47-52. 2018
- Multiplexed immunochemical techniques for the detection of pollutants in aquatic environments-
Sanchis, A., Salvador, J.-P., Marco, M.-P.
TrAC - Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 106, pp. 1-10.2018
- Nanoplasmonic biosensor device for the monitoring of acenocoumarol therapeutic drug in plasma-
Peláez, E.C., Estevez, M.-C., Portela, A., Salvador, J.-P., Marco, M.-P., Lechuga, L.M.
Biosens Bioelectron, 119, 149-155(2018).
- Studies towards hcTnI immunodetection using electrochemical approaches based on magnetic microbeads-
Hernández-Albors, A., Colom, G., Salvador, J.-P., Marco, M.-P.
Sensors, 18 (8), art. no. 2457(2018).
- New approach based on immunochemical techniques for monitoring of selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) in human urine-
Salvador, J.-P., Vila-Roca, E., Monfort, N., Ventura, R., Marco, M.-P.
J Pharm Biomed Anal, 156, pp. 147-152, (2018). - Immunoassay and amperometric biosensor approaches for the detection of deltamethrin in seawater-
Fruhmann, P., Sanchis, A., Mayerhuber, L., Vanka, T., Kleber, C., Salvador, J.-P., Marco, M.-P.
Anal Bioanal Chem, 410 (23), 5923-5930 (2018).
- Multiplexed immunochemical techniques for the detection of pollutants in aquatic environments-
Sanchis, A., Salvador, J.-P., Marco, M.-P.
Trends Anal Chem 2018, 106, 1-10.
- Interferometric nanoimmunosensor for label-free and real-time monitoring of Irgarol 1051 in seawater-
Chocarro-Ruiz, B., Herranz, S., Fernández Gavela, A., Sanchís, J., Farré, M., Marco, M.P., Lechuga, L.M.
Biosens Bioelectron, 117, pp. 47-52 (2018).
- Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for therapeutic drug monitoring coumarin oral anticoagulants in plasma-
Salvador, J.-P., Tassies, D., Reverter, J.-C., Marco, M.-P.
Anal Chim Acta, 1028, pp. 59-65 (2018).
- Fluorescent microarray for multiplexed quantification of environmental contaminants in seawater samples-
Sanchis, A., Salvador, J.-P., Campbell, K., Elliott, C.T., Shelver, W.L., Li, Q.X., Marco, M.-P.
Talanta, 184, 499-506 (2018).
- Multiplex environmental pollutant analysis using an array biosensor coated with chimeric hapten-dextran-lipase constructs-
Herranz, S., Marciello, M., Marco, M.-P., Garcia-Fierro, J.L., Guisan, J.M., Moreno-Bondi, M.C.
Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical, 257, pp. 256-262 (2018).
- Biobarcode assay for the oral anticoagulant acenocoumarol-
Broto, M., Salvador, J.P., Galve, R., Marco, M.P.
Talanta, 178, pp. 308-314 (2018).
- Immediate hypersensitivity to penicillins. Identification of a new antigenic determinant.-
Matas S, Broto M, Corominas M, Lleonart R, Babington R, Marco MP, Galve R.
J Pharm Biomed Anal. 2018,148, 17-23.
- Sandwich NP-based biobarcode assay for quantification C-reactive protein in plasma samples.-
Broto M, Galve R, Marco MP.
Anal Chim Acta. 2017,992, 112-118.
- A high throughput immunoassay for the therapeutic drug monitoring of tegafur.-
Broto, M; Mc Cabe, Rita, Galve, Roger, Marco, M.P.
Analyst 2017, 142, 2404-2410.
- Bioanalytical methods for cytostatic therapeutic drug monitoring and occupational exposure assessment.-
Broto, M; Galve, R; Marco, M.P.
Trends Analyt Chem 2017, 93, 152-170.
- Assessment of analytical methods to determine pyrethroids content of bednets.-
Castellarnau, M.; Ramon-Azcon, J.; Gonzalez-Quinteiro, Y.; Lopez, J. F.; Grimalt, J. O.; Marco, M. P.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Picado, A.
Trop Med Int Health. 2017, 22, 41-51.
- Novel strategy for sulfapyridine detection using a fully integrated electrochemical Bio-MEMS: Application to honey analysis.-
Hassani, N. E. A. E.; Baraket, A.; Neto, E. T. T.; Lee, M.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.; Bausells, J.; Bari, N. E.; Bouchikhi, B.; Elaissari, A.; Errachid, A.; Zine, N.
Biosens Bioelectron 2017, 93, 282-288
- Multimodal plasmonic biosensing nanostructures prepared by DNA-directed immobilization of multifunctional DNA-gold nanoparticles.-
Tort, N.; Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.,
Biosens Bioelectron 2017, 90, 13-22.
- Electrochemical coding strategies using metallic nanoprobes for biosensing applications.-
Valera, E.; Hernández-Albors, A.; Marco, M. P.,
Trends Analyt Chem, 2016, 79, 9-22
- Immunochemical Determination of Pyocyanin and 1-Hydroxyphenazine as Potential Biomarkers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infections-
Pastells, C.; Pascual, N.; Sánchez-Baeza, F.; Marco, M.-P.
Anal Chem 2016, 88, 1631-1638.
- Two photon versus one photon flourescence excitation in whispering gallery mode microresonators-
Pastells, C.; Marco, M.P.; Merino, D.; Loza-Alvarez, P.; Pasquardini, L.; Lunelli, L.; Pederzolli, C.; Doldosso, N.; Farnesi, D.; Berneschi, S.; Righini, G.C.; Quercioli, F. Nunzi-Conti, G.; Soria, S.
J Luminescence, 2016, 170, 860-865.
- Immunochemical strategy for quantification of G-coupled olfactory receptor proteins on natural nanovesicles.-
Sanmarti-Espinal, M.; Galve, R.; Iavicoli, P.; Persuy, M.A.; Pajot-Augy, E.; Marco, M.P.; J. Samitier.
Colloids Surf B Biointerfaces, 2016, 139, 269-276.
- The European antibody network's practical guide to finding and validating suitable antibodies for research.-
Roncador, G.; Engel, P.; Maestre, L.; Anderson, A.P.; Cordell, J.L.; Cragg, M.S.; Serbec, V.C.; Jones, M.; Lisnic, V.J., Kremer, L.; Li, D.; Koch-Nolte, F.; Pascual, N.; Rodríguez-Barbosa, J.I.; Torensma, R.; Turley, H.; Pulford, K.; Banham, A.H.
mAbs, 2016, Vol. 8(1), pg. 27-36.
- Amperometric Biosensor for Continuous Monitoring Irgarol 1051 in Sea Water.-
Salvador, J. P.; Marco, M. P.
Electroanalysis 2016, 28 (8), 1833-1838.
- El Quorum Sensing: una alternativa para mejorar la gestión de la fibrosis quística-
Coordinator: M.-Pilar Marco Colas
Grant: RTI2018-096278-B-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ y por FEDER Una manera de hacer Europa
Period: 2019-2022
Funding: 233.100,00
Institut de Química Avançada de Catalunya
c/ Jordi Girona 18-26
08034 Barcelona - Spain
Ph: +34 93 400 61 00
Fax: +34 93 204 59 04