MCS has two synthesis labs for its own use, one assigned to the basic research projects and the other destined to the projects in collaboration with companies or research centres.
This facilitates to maintain confidentiality in the projects with third parties. MCS also manages the hydrogenation laboratory of the IQAC where reactions with low-pressure gases (up to 3 atm) can be carried out. This lab is equipped with the appropriate safety measures.
We are equipped with state-of-the-art instrumentation which allows us to carry out standard and parallel synthesis.
- SpeedVac
- Lyophilizer
- Microwave Synthesis System
- Radleys
- Manifold
- Vacuum oven
- High-temperature oven
Additionally, we have access to various resources available at our Institute that can be used in our projects:
- GC
- NMR (several nuclei; 400 and 500 MHz)
MCS has two separated analytical labs, one equipped with mass spectrometry technology and another with instruments for the analysis, characterization and purification of compounds, both at analytical and preparative scale. Most of this equipment can be offered as stand-alone analytical services as well.
Analytical Reverse phase applications:
- HPLC-1-ELS: Waters 2695 HPLC equipped with a column oven (CHM, waters) and a temperature controller (TCMII, waters), coupled with a PDA (2996, waters) and ELS (ELS1000, PL) detectors
- HPLC-3-Fl: Waters 2695 HPLC coupled to UV and Fluorescence detectors
Analytical Normal phase applications:
- HPLC-4-Breeze: Waters 1525 HPLC coupled to an UV detector (2489, waters)
- HPLC-7-NP: Dionex LPG-3400SD UHPLC coupled to an UV detector (VWD-3400-RS, Dionex) and optionally can be coupled to a PDA detector (DAD-3000, Dionex) and an ESI linear ion trap MS detector (LTQ XL, Thermo Fisher)
Preparative scale (normal and reverse phase):
- HPLC-2-PREP: Waters 1525p semi-preparative HPLC (flows up to 20ml/min, pressure up to 4000 psi), equipped with a waters fraction collector and coupled to an UV detector (2489, waters)
- EZ-Prep: Preparative and flash Purification System (flow range 5-200 ml/min, pressure up to 3500psi) compatible both with cartridge and HPLC columns with collection programmable based on UV, ELS and/or MS detection
- Isolera-Biotage: Flash purification System (flow range 5-100 ml/min, pressure up to 145psi) with collection programmable based on UV detection
- Polarimeter (341, Perkin Elmer): Measurement of optical rotations
- Melting points (3-545, Büchi): Simultaneous manual or automatic measurement of three melting points and two boiling points
- Karl Fischer (C20, Mettler Toledo): coulometer titrator for quantitative determination of water content (1 ppm to 5%) in liquid and solid samples. Equipped with a DO308 Drying oven (40-300 °C) for solid samples thermally stable that can not be directly titrated because of poor water release rate, side reactions with Karl Fischer reagents, etc.
- Potentiometric titrator (888-Titrando, Metrohm): Equipped with 5 and 20 ml automatic burettes, allows the determination of equivalence points (pKa), pH measurements, and maintenance of constant pH in reactions. Possibility of alternative electrodes (micro pH electrode for reduced sample volumes, Pt electrode for peroxides determination, etc.)
The photopharmacology laboratory allows to carry out the photocharacterization of compounds, studies about pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties, in vitro functional and binding assays, fluorescence, absorbance, alfa-screen and luminiscence measurements, among others. This laboratory is divided into two separated areas to perform experiments under light or dark conditions without interferences. Some of the available equipment include:
- Spectrophotometer Spark (Spark, Tecan): Analysis of absorbance, luminiscence, fluorescence and fluorescence with time resolution (TRF, TRF-FRET). These measurements can be both punctual or continuous (kinetics) on 96 well plates.
- Spectrophotometer Thermo (350 evolution, Thermo): Analysis of punctual or continuous (kinetics) absorbance measurements. This instrument is suitable to work with cuvettes (standard or ultra-micro cuvettes-180µl) or with a microprobe for in situ measurements with reduced volumes (applications in DNA, RNA, protein fields, etc.)
- A variety of illumination systems from 365nm to 550nm wavelenghts under different controlled voltages for application with 96 well plates or discreet samples (cool led)
- CO2 incubator (Midi40, Thermo Fisher)