On 3rd February, the I Interdisciplinary Workshop on Biology, Biomedicine and Chemistry was held, organized by the Molecular Biology Institute of Barcelona, the Institute of Biomedical Research of Barcelona and the Institute of Advaced Chemistry of Catalonia, with the aim of fostering new ideas and collaborative projects in these three research fields.
The Workshop was open by Jesús Marco (VICYT CSIC) and the directors of each center: Jesús Joglar (IQAC), Nuria Verdaguer (IBMB), and Roser Cortés (IIBB) and it had 13 talks on these areas that have so much potential together, and another two collaboration that are being carried out between IIBB and IBMB, and between IBMB and IQAC.
Besides, three videos were projected to let know the facilities servicies that each center offers.
The event was dedicated to the memory of Dr. Antonio Delgado, Professor of Organic Chemistry in University of Barcelona and researcher of RUBAM, from IQAC, where he carried out all his research work.
The workshop was closed by the CSIC delegate in Catalonia, Lluís Calvo, who concluded the event announcing the BBQ-CSIC grants (grants for the interdisciplinary research), for future collaborations between the institutes. In the coming months, 2 BBQ-CSIC grants will be awarded, endowed with 10,000 euros each and financed by VICYT and the three centers: IQAC, IIBB and IBMB.
You can wath the video of the workshop on this link.
IQAC-CSIC Communication