The Medicinal Chemistry group’s researchers Xavier Rovira, Amadeu Llebaria and Xavier Gómez-Santacana, acting as guest editors of International Journal on Molecular Sciences, welcome authors to submit their articles to special issues on photopharmacology.
Photopharmacology is an emerging interdisciplinary field at the interface between physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. The general goal of photopharmacology is to provide control over biological systems with a high degree of temporal and spatial precision using innovative light-regulated molecules and illumination devices. In this Special Issues, IQAC researchers aim to compile research contributions describing the most recent advances in photopharmacology in order to highlight the impact that it may have on a number of research.
Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website.
For more information and instructions about the Special Issue, please, visit this MDPI page
Deadline for submissions: 31 December 2021
IQAC-CSIC Communication