The Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC-CSIC) was present in the 3rd PTI + Global Health Scientific Conference, held in the Center for Human and Social Sciences, in Madrid, last 20, 21 and 22 of November. Staff of the Nanobiotechnology for Diagnostics group, from the SIMChem facility and the Chemical Library have participated with different oral communications and posters.

From the Nb4D, the researcher Julian Guercetti participated with the oral presentations Custom Antibody Service (CAbS) from the molecule to the bioassay y Immuno-μSARS2 chip: Correlating COVID-19 clinical severity with IgG personalized profiles; M.- Pilar Marco presented her talk Towards a novel molecular signature for diagnosing infections based on Quorum sensing, and Lluïsa Vilaplana presented her communication Using quorum sensing based antibodies as a new therapeutic strategy to treat Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections.

Carme Serra and Lourdes Muños, from the SIMChem facility, presented the poster Design of new dual mechanism antivirals against SARS-CoV-2 RNA and 3CLpro, and the responsible of the IQAC Chemical Library, Carles Martínez, together with Johal Ruiz, responsible of the Chemical Library of the Institute for Chemical Research (IIQ-CSIC) and Noureddine Khiar, IIQ-CSIC director, presented the poster The CSIC Chemical Library: Speeding up drug discovery.

This conference has shown the need to continue facing the global health challenges of the future, in order to weave new ways of collaboration and scientific interaction between the different CSIC centres that are part of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Platform Global Health.

IQAC-CSIC Communication