Team of the DermoCosmetic Evaluation Service. From left to right: Luisa Coderch, Meritxell Martí, Cristina Alonso and Anderson Ramos.

The DermoCosmetic Evaluation Service of the Institute for Advanced Chemistry of Catalonia (IQAC) from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) has obtained the Good Laboratory Practices (GLP) certification from ENAC for conducting percutaneous absorption tests of biocides.

“The assessment of percutaneous absorption or skin permeation of molecules is crucial for many products, such as dermal or transdermal delivery systems (pharmaceuticals, cosmetics), agrochemical products (pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides), etc., and for the successful development of new formulations intended for human use,” explains Dr. Luisa Coderch, researcher at IQAC and head of the DermoCosmetic Evaluation Service.

Therefore, this laboratory becomes the first in Spain, both public and private, to receive this certification for biocides and the first public laboratory (the fourth, if private labs are included) to receive certification for pharmaceuticals and cosmetics.


Nota de prensa (ESP)
Nota de premsa (CAT)


IQAC-CSIC Communication